Hey Guys!
Well the world as we know it certainly has changed! We are having to see everything differently and do most everything we did before differently. This is a perfect time to see how you can beef up your resume through service learning or just gain new perspective on how you THINK the world looks outside of what you see around you! We have put together a webinar that shows you why we do what we do, how we do it, how it impacts you as a student and how it impacts the communities we partner with.
Did you know you could do a short term service learning trip abroad where you can accommodate your busy schedule but also get the benefits of travel abroad during your college career? Did you know that you can do it very economically? Did you know it can actually be tax deductible? Did you know that you can make small payments over time to pay for the program fees? That’s where we come in. We want you to change the way you SEE the world outside of your current environment by traveling with us to our partner communities and immersing yourself in a different culture! This webinar features our very VERY popular trip to Belize. We have one scheduled to take off in November. Will you change the way you SEE the world then?
Watch our webinar that includes video testimonials of students that have done our Belize trip as well as a short video about what a trip with us looks like.
When you are done, if you are ready to sign up you can go straight to our website click on documents and fill out the application. We have 5 spots left for our Thanksgiving break trip! Be the one who grabs one of those spots first!