Our Blog
You’ve been dreaming of a spring break in the Caribbean, here’s your chance! 20% off!
Spring break in Belize won’t be the same without you!
Homestretch. Finals almost done. Now get an UnBELIZEABLE gift from us!
So much learning disguised as FUN you won’t BELIZE IT! Reward yourself for getting through another semester! Our students in Belize are so happy about it they are DANCING!!! We know you’ve been working hard. That’s why we want you to reward yourself with this once in...
Halloween Savings for YOUR Christmas Present to YOURSELF!!!
Brette the Intern: Only a few spots remain! Scholarship deadline extended!
Ardenti Global Service learning will be taking two trips this fall, and you do not want to miss out! There will be teams going to Belize from November 10th to the 20th and Austin, Texas from December 15th to the 22nd. The spots are filling quickly, so if you are...
My name is Brette, I’m a UNG student and here’s why I chose service learning
Hello Everyone! My name is Brette Burgstiner, and I am a Human Services and Delivery Administration student at University of North Georgia, Gainesville campus. I am passionate about traveling, and believe that the most influential growth comes when we are bold enough...
Another Semester huh? Tired of the same old routine? SCHOLARSHIPS AVAILABLE!!!
FALL 2018 SEMESTER IS HERE! What will you do differently this semester? Take a look at what you could be doing in this SHORT video and let's get you going! I don't need to see more sign me up! When I was in school, which by the way wasn't that long...
What do Belize City Belize and Austin Texas have in common??
What do Belize City and Austin Texas both have in common? Ardenti Global Service Learners will be hitting the road to both this fall! Sign up now and don’t miss your opportunity to learn while serving in a partner community!!! Belize City, Belize: 9 days/8...
“IF YA AIN’T FIRST YOU’RE LAST” $500.00 to the first two to sign up!
$500.00 off for two lucky people who want to learn all about Cherokee Nation!
Spring Trip Highlights: Our Service Learners Rocked It!
Spring Trip Highlights! We came. We saw. We conquered!
What are you waiting for?